


Septemper 10 - 0ctober 14

Leonardo Bravo (solo exhibition)

Bumpy, curated by HK Zamani, with Nancy Evans, Pauline Stella Sanchez, Michelle Fierro, Anders Lansing, Leonardo Bravo, HK Zamani, and David Lloyd.

Performance by Steve Roden.

November 5 - December 16

See Me, a solo exhibition by LouAnne Greenwald

Self - Portrayal, curated by HK Zamani, with Amy Adler, Joseph Santarromana / Kristen Morse, LouAnne Greenwald, Kurt Kauper, Susan Otto, and Robert Millar / Mark Zolan.


January 7 - Febuary 10

88 Socks, a solo exhibition by Terry Dernbach

Septet, curated by HK Zamani, with Joyce Lightbody, Leland Means, Tim Hawkinson, Micheal Brewster, Terry Friedman, Robert Wedemeyer and Terry Dernbach.

February25 - March 30

Carolee Toon (solo exhibition)

After, curated by Carolee Toon, with Ingrid Calame, Linda Besemer, Roy Thurston, Jim Sullivan, Julian Goldwhite, George Keskeny and Sally Elesby.

April 14 - May 18

Invisible (a group exhibition)
Curated by HK Zamani

Empty (a solo show)

August 2 - 31

Blanket, a solo exhibition by Richard Stein

100 Dollar Show (group show)

September 14 - October 2

Points of Station, a solo exhibition by Denver Tuttle

Bleach Paintings and New Sculpture, a solo exhibition by Stephen Shackleford

Punishment, a performance by Martin Durazo

October 19 - November 16

Project 5.09e, a solo exhibition by Jason Rognes

Space Space, curated by Steve Hartzog, with Jason Rogenes, Carlos Malura, Halsy Rodman, Andrea Bowers, Adam Ross, and Chris Wilder.

November 23 - December 21

Linda Day (solo exhibition)

Teeming, curated by HK Zamani, with Marie Thiebeault, Robin Mitchell, Merion Estes and Linda Day.


January 11 - February 8

Kristen Morse (solo exhibition)

Transport, curated by HK Zamani, with Stephen Shackelford, Laura Whipple, Tyler Stallings, Marcos Lutyens, Miles Coolidge, Kristen Morse, and Kenneth Riddle, and HK Zamani.

February 15 - March 15

Seth Kaufman (solo exhibition)

Charles LaBelle (solo exhibition)

I wish you were here, I wish I was here, a solo exhibition by Liz Young

Elevator, an installation by Marko Milovanovic

Performance by John O'Brien, Toti Mercadante, and Steve Roden.

March 22 - April 19

Welcome, a solo exhibition by Anders Lansing

Ambient Suburbs, curated by Julie Joyce, with Anders Lansing, Yuhnee Min, Faundra Chang, Julian Goldwhite and David Goldstein.

Elevator, an installation by Timothy Nolan

April 26 - May 24

East of the Sun and West of the Moon, a solo exhibition by Maura Bendett

See - Thru, curated by Marilu Knode, with Carol Bolt, John Kieltyka, Sean Miller, and Bethany Taylor.

Vine, an installation by Maura Bendett

Adhesive, a spoken and silent word performance by Sandra E. Jones and Kris Caldwell

May 31 - June 28

Meta-, a solo exhibition by Doug Hammett

Play the Game: 1,001 Chaos Osmosis Stills, a solo exhibition by Marco Milovanovic

Recent Works, a solo exhibition by Audra Weaser

The Vibrant Flow, a solo exhibition by Margaret Sherwood

Elevator, an installation by Robert Youds

July 13 - August 9

Booster Up Dutch Courage (L.A. Art International), curated by Carl Berg and Theo Tegelares with Eric Wesselo, Lisa May Post, Rik Meijers, Tariq Alvi, Federico d'Orazio

100 Dollar Show (group exhibition)

Agent Orange, an elevator installation by Yunhee Min

September 6 - October 4

Spalunk..., a solo exhibition by Ingrid Calame

Cross Stitch, a solo exhibition by Didi Dunphy

Retro, a solo exhibition by William Radawec

Domestic Setting, curated by William Radawec, with Dunnieghe Slawson, Bruce Wallin, Leslie Segal, Lucus Riener, Paul Paiement, Wendy Furman, Ann Carter, Jeanne Patterson, Robert Levine, and Bradley Greer.

October 11 - November 8

St. Sebastian Tom Sawyer Cathy Mishima Expo ' 67 , a solo exhibition by Doug Harvey

White Cube, a solo exhibition by Nick Lawrence

fizzgig, a solo exhibition by Rebecca Reiss

on paper, curated by HK Zamani, with Linda Day, Terry Dernbach, Phyllis Green, Anders Lansing, David Lloyd, Cynthia Phillips, Tom Savage, and Laura Whipple.

November 22 - December 20

Ken Gonzales-Day (solo exhibition)

O.D.E.S.S.A. Case, a solo exhibition by Haralampi Oroschakoff

Lost City, a solo exhibition by Jody Zellen


January 17 - February 14

Paintings on Canvas and Wood ' 98, a solo exhibition by Terry Dernbach

Hilja Keading (solo exhibition)

Polymorphous Memorialis, curated by Sue Spaid, with Eduardo Abaroa, Robert Blackman, Casey Cook, Will Fowler, Clifford LeCuyer, Micheal B. Miller, and Paul Henry Ramirez.

Squirt, an elevator installation by Paul Henry Ramirez

February 28 - March 28

Folds, a solo exhibition by Linda Besemer

Roy Thurston (solo exhibition)

Paintings Interested in Ideas Of Architecture and Design, curated by Adam Ross, with Kevin Appel, Tom Baldwin, Laura Owens, Stephen Metts, Steven Criqui, Pet Sourinthine, and Amy Wheeler.

Performance by Yvonne Papanek

April 4 - May 2

New Planning, a solo exhibition by Miriam Dym

Veronica Dreir (solo exhibition)

Post Odessy, a solo exhibition by Micheal Pierzynski

Interior, curated by HK Zamani, with Martin Gantman, Charles LaBelle, Isobel Hiemmerdigfer and Sherin Guirguis.

Indoor Games, a performance by Eva Ursprung

May 16 - June 13

Paintings, Drawings and Embroidered Works, a solo exhibition by Jill Poyourow

Loves Almanac, a solo exhibition by Leonard Seagal

I - 15, curated by Jeffery Vallance, with Phil Argent, Aaron Baker, Wayne Littlejohn, Victoria Reynolds, Christine Siemens, Jane Callister, James Gobel, and Tim Bavington.

Elevator, an installation by Jody Zellen

June 27 - -July 25

Head Case, a solo exhibition by Linda Day

100 Dollar and Up Show (group show)

August 1 -29

Cleaning, a solo exhibition by Martin Durazo

goofy and off - center, a two person exhibition by Jack Hallberg and Yek

8.1 / 29.98, curated by Habib Kheradyar, with Linda Besemer, Terry Dernbach, Miriam Dym, Anders Lansing, Rebecca Reiss and Jason Rogenes.

September 19 - October 17

My Beautiful Balloon, a solo exhibition by Stephen Shackleford

Joseph Santarommana (solo exhibition)

Work in Two and Three Dimensions, a solo exhibition by Yunhee Min

October 22 - November 19

Manifestation, a solo exhibition by Charles Labelle

sanguine possibilities for medatative escapism, sculpture by Charles Linder

Lost and Found, curated by Soo Kim and Anne Walsh in conjunction with Xtra, with Lori Koop, Marcos Rosales, Jeannie Simms, and Marnie Weber.

November 21 - December 19


6130, a group exhibition
Curated by HK Zamani


every dish made with tender loving care, a one person exhibition by Robert Miller

Taste of Chicago, a group show curated by Joel Leib of Ten in One Gallery with Walter Andersons, Stephanie Brooks, Jno Cook, Jo Hormuth, Carol Jackson, Mark Alan Jacobs, Rebecca Morris and Charles Wiesen.

shop POST.com, a group exhibition
Curated by HK Zamani


January 9 - February 6


-456 Fahrenheit, a one person exhibition by Maura Bendett

Bossa Supernova, a one person exhibition by Yek


Mix It Up, a one person exhibition by Nancy Evans

comfort, curated by Phyllis Green with Lisa Bloomfield, Alan Nakagawa / Steven Irvin, Mai Ottersen-Redfield, Laura Paddock, Ave Pildas, Alyson Shotz, Carrie Ungerman.

Pool Drop, an elevator Installation by Ann Carter

February 12 - March 13


Upholstery, a one person exhibition by Didi Dunphy


Skipping Formalities, a one person exhibition by Doug Harvey

The New Romance, curated by Doug Harvey with Buck Burns, Harold Chambers, E.. Chen, Gordon Haines, Bridget Marrin, Hector Romero, Mike Waterman.

Sister Act, an exhibition by Bridget Marrin and Tina Marrin

Live dub mixing performance by Digit / Stain

March 19 - April 17


Sunrise, a one person exhibition by Michael Pierzynski


Amy Wheeler (solo exhibition)

...Good paintings make you want to paint..., curated by HK Zamani, with Linda Day, Terry Dernbach, Doug Harvey, Joan Kahn, Steve Roden, Tom Savage, Danny Shain.

Touch Me, an elevator installation by Pam Goldblum and Jeff Kaisershot

April 24 - May 29


Philip Argent (solo exhibition)


Mark Housley (Mark Dutcher) (solo exhibition)

The Beginning of Pleasure, a one person exhibition by Hector Romero

No Escape, curated by Karen Carson with Jim Starrett, Norm Laich, Liam Jones.

June 4 - July 3


Philosophy Minor, a one person exihibition by Brad Spence

Flat Filing, with Geoff Allen, Maura Bendett, Linda Day, Terry Derndach, Martin Durazo, Miriam Dym, Pam Goldblum / Jeff Kaisershot, Doug Harvey, Kieran Kinney, Charles LaBelle, Anders Lansing, Tina Marrin, Yunhee Min, Michael Barton Miller, Robert Miller, Michael Pierzynski, Jill Poyourow, Hector Romero, Joseph Santarromana, Leonard Seagal, Brad Spence, Theodore Svenningsen, and Amy Wheeler.


Trans Central, a one person exhibition by Maximillian Von Moll

Youth Studies, curated by Brad Spence with Andrea Bowers, Steve Gasky, Richard Hawkins, Brian Olsen, Terri Philips, Loren Sanvik, and Elizabeth Smaha.

Flat Filing, group show featuring works from the flat-file at both POST locations

Two Standard Stops, an elevator installation by Miriam Dym

July 15 - August 14


(L.A. Art International)

Mowry Baden (solo exhibition) (Canada)


Mowry Baden (solo exhibition)

Mars, a group show (Austria) with Ricarda Denzer, Christine Gloggengiesser, Martin Hanf, Christoph Hinterhuber, Muntean / Rosenblum, Constanza Ruhm, Arye Wachsmuth, Simon Wacksmuth.

September 4 - October 9


Don't Forget to Ask for Directions, a one person exhibition by Miriam Dym

Performance, by Skip Arnold


Porcelain, a one person exhibition by Margaret Morgan

Post Correct, curated by Margaret Morgan with Jim Baker, Tammy Rae Carland, Ken Gonzales-Day, and Millie Wilson.

Sling, performance by Marcos Lutyens

October 15 - November 13


walls, floor, window, ceiling, a one person exhibition by Robert Youds

Tina Marrin, (solo exhibition)


Scapeland, curated by Emma Jurgensen with Philip Argent, HK Zamani, Anders Lansing, Yunhee Min, Brad Spence, Amy Wheeler, Yek.

November 19 - December 18


Freakproof, a solo exhibition by Geoffrey Allen


Brigitte Engler (solo exhibition)

s / he bugs me s / he bugs me not, curated by Emma Jurgensen and HK Zamani, with Jane Callister / Lisa Mihm, Jesse Cantley, Laura Cooper / Laura Paddock, Brigitte Engler, Samantha Fields, Terri Phillips, Nick Taggart, Tam Van Tran.

post-parasites, an elevator installation by Lane Hall and Lisa Moline

Live reading by Sylvere Lotringer

Live house DJ performance by Jan Tumlir

December 21 - January 12


Millennial Tension, curated by HK Zamani, with Geoffrey Allen, Philip Argent, Mowry Baden, Maura Bendett, Linda Besemer, Leonardo Bravo, Ingrid Calame, Anne Carter, Linda Day, Terry Dernbach, Veronika Dreier, Didi Dunphy, Martin Durazo, Miriam Dym, Brigitte Engler, Nancy Evans, Pam Goldblum / Jeff Kaisershot, Ken Gonzales-Day, Phyllis Green, LouAnne Greenwald, HK Zamani, Doug Hammett, Doug Harvey, Steve Hartzog, Mark Housley (Mark Dutcher), Seth Kaufman, Hilja Keading, Soo Kim, Charles LaBelle, Anders Lansing, Nick Lawrence, Charles Linder, Tina Marrin, Robert Miller, Marko Milovanovic, Yunhee Min, Margaret Morgan, Kristen Morse, Tim Nolan, Haralampi Oroschakoff, Michael Pierzynski, Jill Poyourow, Bill Radawec, Rebecca Reiss, Jason Rogenes, Hector Romero, Adam Ross, Joseph Santarromana, Leonard Seagel, Stephen Shackelford, Margaret Sherwood, Brad Spence, Richard Stein, Roy Thurston, Carolee Toon, Denver Tuttle, Jeffery Vallance, Maximillian Von Moll, Anne Walsh, Audra Weaser, Amy Wheeler, Yek, Robert Youds, Liz Young, Jody Zellen.


January 8 - Febuary 12


aroundsound, a solo exhibition by Michael Barton Miller

PSYCH 2000, curated by HK Zamani, with Marcia Binnendyk, Cynthia Minet, Cory Pohlman

a time-specific installation, elevator installation by Nobuho Nagasawa

January 14 - Febuary 9


Front Words Back, a solo exhibition by Clifford LeCuyer

aroundsound, a solol exhibition by Michael Barton Miller (part ll)

February 11 - March 11


New Paintings, a solo exhibition by Lies Kraal

Radical Monochrome, curated by HK Zamani, with George Keskeny and Anders Lansing

March 18 - April 15


Out into the beautiful world, a solo exhibition by Robert Stone

Go Ask Alice, curated by HK Zamani, with Maura Bendett, Dean Chamberlain, Louis Cameron, Osvaldo Trujillo, Didi Dunphy, Beverly Fishman, Pam Goldblum / Jeff Kaisershot.

March 25 - April 29


Me and My Shadow, a solo exhibition by Michael Arata

Immediate Gratification, curated by Michael Arata with Skip Arnold, Colin Cook, Ron DeLegge, Tamara Fites, John Geary, Micol Hebron, Mark Housley (Mark Dutcher), Laura Howe, Brian Olson, Susan Otto.

Live house DJ performance by Jan Tumlir

April 22 - May 5


Megan McManus (solo exhibition)

(POSTwilshire closes)

April 22 - May 19

Megan McManus (solo exhibition)

Here today, there tomorrow, curated by HK Zamani, with Philip Argent, Maura Bendett, Miriam Dym, Brad Spence.

May 27 - June 24

Gomezphonics, a solo exhibition by Gomez Bueno

Allen Bollinger (solo exhibition)

Works on Paper, with Terry Dernbach, Hector Romero, Allen Bollinger, Robert Miller, Linda Day, Jill Poyourow, Tim Noland, Amy Wheeler, Tom Savage, Robert Stone, Geoffrey Allen, Jessica Snow, HK Zamani, John Geary, Anders Lansing, Miriam Dym, Theodore Svenningsen, Stephen Metts, Jay Stuckey, Sharen Bell, Megan McManus, Martin Durazo, Michael Barton Miller

July 1 - July 29

New Paintings, a solo exhibition by Tom Savage

Drug Store, an elevator installation by Beverly Fishman

gestural maps, curated by HK Zamani, with Hilary Baker and Philippa Blair

August 5 - 31

Merijn Bolink (solo exhibition)

Where will I be when the continents shift? , curated by HK Zamani, with Jiri Cernicky, Martin Durazo, Matt Furmanski, Gloria Sedaghat/Anita Rafie, Stephen Shackelford

October 7 - November 11

The Luxury of Grief, a solo exhibition by Jiri Cernicky

Emulsion,curated by HK Zamani, with Daniel Aksten, Terry Dernbach, Jimi Gleason, Roland Reiss, Suzette747

November 18 - December 23

HAULIN" ASS, PIEROGI IN L.A. , a group exhibition from the PIEROGI Flat file

Tape Drawing, an elevator installation by Elizabeth Simonson


January 20 - February 17

APPEARING NIGHTLY, a solo exhibition by Hilary Baker

For Eyes, an elevator installation by Geoffrey Allen

Almost Home, a solo exhibition by Liam Jones

March 10 - April 7

Formula, a solo exhibition by Daniel Aksten

Made, curated by HK Zamani, with Daniel Aksten, Louis Cameron, Joseph & John Dumbacher, Jennifer Faist, Beverly Fishman, Maxwell Hendler, Charles Linder

April 14 - May 19

New Paintings, a solo exhibition by Lynton Wells

Somewhere in the Night, curated by HK Zamani, with Martin Durazo, Scott Lindgren, Megan McManus, Richard Osaka, Ruby Osorio, Rebecca Riess, Alexandrea Wiesenfeld

Michael Stuetz (a solo exhibition)

Big Day, work on paper by Jay-Gould Stuckey

May 26 - June 23

Mowry Baden (solo exhibition)

Means of Conveyance, a solo exhibition by Miriam Dym

Means of Conveyance, a solo exhibition by Miriam Dym

Romm, a wall installation by Osvaldo Trujillo

Dr. Truth, a special screening

July 7 - August 4

Bag, a solo exhibition by Dianna Cohen

City, a solo exhibition by Jaime Scholnick

Vinyl, curated by HK Zamani, with Dianna Cohen, Martin Durazo, Adam Prentiss, Roland Reiss, Ashley Thorner, Osvaldo Trujillo

September 8 - October 6

Short Stories, a solo exhibition by Roland Reiss

Is Was, a solo exhibition by Tom Savage

Beutiful Deception, an elevator installation by Robert Miller

Definition Proof, a wall installation by Jessica Snow

100 Percent Rag, a group flat file exhibition

October 13 - November 10

Megan McManus (solo exhibition)

Unseen Gardens, a solo exhibition by Richard Osaka

The Ice Queen : I'll Come When I Want To, an installation / performance by Tamara Fites

Teresa Hagiya (wall installation)

Amnesia, 16mm b&w film sreening by Jennifer Stefanisko


January 5 - February 2

Liam Jones (solo exhibition)

Garage Series, a solo exhibition by Teresa Hagiya

Double Feature, a solo exhibition by Jay-Gould Stucky

Treatment, a wall painting by Daniel Aksten

February 9 - March 9

Super / Sex, curated by Michael Gold, with Laura Aguilar, Jacqueline Cooper, Nicole Eisenman, Naomi Fisher, Micol Hebron, Megan McManus, Nicoletta Munroe, Jeanne Patterson, Sharon Ryan, Rabbi Sukkarieh

March 16 - April 13

Potential Rock, a solo exhibition by Carmine Iannaccone

Blueprints, a solo exhibition by Osvaldo Trujillo

Irrational Propositions, a group exhibition curated by HK Zamani, with Arthur Aghajanian, Deborah Aschheim, Kelly Barrie, Barbara Bennish, Leonardo Bravo, Mike Dee, Ann Faison, James Graham, Alexandra Grant, Doug Harvey, James Higginson, Jessica Irish, HK Zamani, Carole Kim, Julia Latane, Clifford Lecuyer, Odili Donald Odita, Naida Osline, Jim Ovelmen, Jaime Scholnick, Tyler Stallings, Petra Schilder, Christine Siemens, Jay-Gould Stuckey and Barry Stoltz.

Wall Installation by Sherin Guirguis

April 20 - May 18

The Wrestlers, a solo exhibition by Thomas McGovern

Four Letter Words, a solo exhibition by Michael Mogavero

The Boxer, The Missionary and Their Gods, a solo exhibition by Yun-Fei Ji

Smear, a wall drawing by Jamie Scholnick

May 25 - June 22

Artifact (Quote), a solo exhibition by Joe Amrhein

Yo, Flat files Rendez Vous!, a group exhibition curated by Joe Amrhein

July 6 - August 3

e-motion, curated by Susan Joyce with Kent Anderson Butler, Casey Hanrahan, Kristin Marx, Yucef Merhi, Mark pauline, Erwin Redl, and James Rouvelle

Performance by, Survival Research Laboratories

Music performance by, VIRTUS KERNY

September 21 - November 2

Hello Kitty Gets A Mouth, solo exhibition by Jaime Scholnick

Relative Objects, a group exhibition

November 9 - December 21

Portraits of Violence: The Story of Shelley, a one-person exhibition of photography by James Higginson.

Fake, a group exhibition curated by Koan-Jeff Baysa with Barton Benes, David Henry Brown (aka Alex von Furstenberg), Ellen Harvey, Micol Hebron, Kim Keever, Adam Nankervis, Warren Neidich, Aaron Sheppard (with) John (and) Jeffrey Gardner McLaughin (and) Kim Myers-Robertson, Klaus Scheruebel, Nobi Shioya


January 11 - February 8,

Amateur Wrestling – Part One by Brad Killam

Growing Up Absurd, curated by Jette Rudolph with Diana Cohen, Marcy Freedman, Liam Jones, Josephine Meckseper, arcus Sendlinger, Phillip Zaiser.

Wheeling! – motorcycles in art, organized by Marcus Sendlinger with more than forty international artists.

March 1 - March 15,

Re-Kreation, a group exhibition with twenty-five artists from Oslo, Norway.

Comewhatmay, a performance by Monica Emilie Herstad

March 22 - April 26,

The Shadow of the Earth on the Moon, an exhibition by Jim Ovelmen
Including live video link between POST and London Street Projects By Mehran and Mehrdad Ayati

May 24 - June 28,

Pulse, new paintings by Linda Day

(a)KIN, curated by Linda Day, with Lynne Berman, Susan Cheal, Nancy Evans, Tom Monteith, Hector Romero, Katie Stubblefield, Marie Thibeault

July 12 - August 9

NoChaser; Straight Ahead Abstract Painting, curated by Robert Kingston, with Hilary Baker, Tony Beauvy , Camille Cornelius, Alexander Couwenberg, Wess Dahlberg, Joan Kahn, Jeff Kowatch, Linda King, David Lloyd, Chris Pate, Gayle Ruskin-White, Tom Savage, Danny Shain, Mark Sheinkman, and Mark Zimmermann.

October 11 - November 8

What's here is everywhere , A one-person exhibit by Sabina Ott, Collaborating with Eric H. Paulson and M. Megan Werner of zDp models

After study of deflection investigate joints, curated by Sabina Ott, with Maria Park, Dan Talmon, Michael Dean, Naomi Miller, Dan Tierney, Mary Anna Pomonis (collaborating with Doug Harvey and Sevan Tahmasian), Dakota De Hinde, Nick Kamuda, and Nina Hubbs-Zurier

November 15 - December 13

Midas , curated by Martin Durazo and Sherin Guirguis, with Brooke & Tyler (B&T), Kelly Barrie, Jane Callister, Mike Dee with Charles Dunn, Stacy Duffin, Martin Durazo, Raphael Gallardo, Sherin Guirguis-Barrie, Stephan Heer, Carrie Jenkins, Jeremy Kidd, Peter Lamb, Robert Miller, Max Presneill, Emily Wagner, and Alexis Weidig.

Fumble/Recovery, A one-person exhibition by Jon Gintzler


January 10 – February 7

EMPATHY ROOM , A one-person exhibition by Laurel Beckman

SYMPATHY PALACE,curated by Laurel Beckman, with Joshua G Churchill, Alisa Ochoa, Ryan Hill, Eric Beltz, Daniela Arriaga

February 14 – March 13

FOXFIRE EINS , A one-person exhibition by JAYNE PARKER, also performance works by Sharon Morris

March 27 - May 8

Index @ POST, curated by Lane Hall, Lisa Moline, Paul Zelevansky, Including Janie Geiser, Lane Hall, Perry Hoberman, Lewis Klahr, Bill Leavitt, Lisa Moline, Lisa Parks, Mat Rappaport, Miha Vipotnik, Paul Zelevansky

June 26 - July 24

Snug , A one-person exhibit by Julia Latane

Tight, curated by Julia Latane, with Cathy Akers, Cassie Davis, Megan DeArmond, James Graham, Dave Lewis, Rachael Neubauer, Gregory Sale

September 10 - October 9, 2004

Certain Traces: Dialogue Los Angeles/Prague, 2004, curated by Barbara Benish<,at six LA Venues; @POST: Lynn Aldrich, Erika Bornova, Jitka Havlickova, Jan Jakub Kotik, Alena Kotzmanova, Karl Matson(+), Leland Means, Jan Merta, Petr Nikl, Tomas Ruller, Stepanka Simlova, Liz Young

November 13 - December 11

Starshaped , a one-person exhibition of sculpture and video by Mike Dee

Heroglyph, curated by Alexandra Fouladi and Hope Bryson of lincart in San Francisco, with Graham Gillmore (Vancouver), Jose Sarinana (Los Angeles), Charles Linder (San Francisco), Tucker Nichols (San Francisco) and Nils Nova (Luzern, Switzerland).


January 8 - February 5

Zodiac Project , A one-person exhibit by Mark Zimmermann

Theories: LA Paint, curated by Mark Zimmermann, with Daniel Brice, Alexander Couwenberg, Wess Dahlberg, Barbara Kerwin, Robert Kingston

March 5 - April 2

Josehph Santarromana , A one-person exhibit

TRANSLATION, curated by Josehph Santarromana, with Catherine Lord, Doug Goodwin, Erika Suderburg & Martha Ronk, John Obrien, Harry Gamboa, Pat Oneil

April 23 - May 28, 2005

OH,curated by INMO, with Eun Jeong Jang, Anna Kim, Ji-young Kim, Da-hee Lim and Jamie Lee

K.O.T.T.I. , Performance group K.O.T.T.I. recreates Korean Traditional Art with a contemporary sensibility into a non-verbal traditional ritual percussive Kut Performance.

July 23 - September 10, 2005

POST@POST, An exhibition organized by HK Zamani, Celebrating the end of the tenth year.


April 22 - May 20

Of Blood And Dirt , A one-person exhibit by Liz Young